Mistimed sleep disrupts circadian regulation of the human blood transcriptome - Heterozygotes



4 healthy volunteers without sleep disorders were resident in an environmental scheduling facility and participated in a forced-desynchrony protocol, in which the sleep-wake cycle and the associated fasting-feeding cycle is scheduled to a 28-hour period, of which one third (i.e. 9h 20min) is scheduled for sleep. Under these conditions, during which light levels in the waking episode are kept low and sleep is scheduled in darkness, the phase of the melatonin rhythm occurred at approximately the same clock time during the first (D1) and fourth (D4) 28-h cycle and there were no major changes in either the amplitude or the waveform of this rhythm. During D1 and D4 7 blood samples were taken, RNA was extracted from leukocytes, labelled and hybridised to human whole-genome microarrays

Overall Design

A total of 23 samples comprising 4 human subjects, for which 14 samples across multiple time-points/sleep condition were collected.


Data and Resources

Raw Files [23]

Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE82113
Type of Data

Expression profiling by array



GSE Submission Date 01/06/2016
GSE Authors Carla,,Moller-Levet; Simon Archer; Giselda Bucca; Emma Laing; Ana Slak; Renata Kabiljo; June Lo; Nayantara Santhi; Malcolm von Schantz; Colin,P,Smith; Derk-Jan Dijk
Dataset Last Updated November 29, 2019, 17:47 (UTC)
Dataset Created November 29, 2019, 13:01 (UTC)